You will find a detailed overview of the currently offered courses in the course catalog in Klips 2.0. Furthermore you can find more detailed information about the courses in Klips 2 and in the current module manuals of your course of study. ATTENTION: Depending on the current situation the exams can be organized differently than indicated in the module manual. All information are under the point "Exams".
Courses offered by the Chair of Social Policy and Methods of qualitative Social Reserach and the Seminar for Co-oporative Research
Ageing and social space in the welfare mix
Fundamental and current issues in Co-operative Economics
Introduction into Co‐operative Economics
Theory and methods of qualitative social research
Health Care System
Introduction into Social Sciences
Morphology of Companies in the Public Economy with a Plurality of Providers
International Comparison of Health Care Systems
Philosophy of Inclusion and Community-Building
Co-operative Economics in Social Space
Seminar: Economic Cooperation and Development
Seminar: Role of Co-operatives